March 22: Two paintings accepted for Spring exhibition of the Glasgow Society of Women Artists at the Lillie Gallery, Bearsden, Glasgow. ‘ There’s Gold in the Hills’ and Secret paths Hidden in the Hills’.
October 21: I exhibited two paintings at the Autumn exhibition of the Glasgow Society of Women Artists at the Lillie Gallery, Bearsden, Glasgow. ‘Hideaway and ‘Out of Steel Wool Skies’. Unfortunately this exhibition was cut short by Covid.
September 2021: Two paintings two paintings accepted and exhited at The Paisley art Institution 133rd Annual Exhibition. ‘Hideaway’ and a loop in space and time’ Unfortunately this exhiibition was cancelled because of Covid.
September/October 2019: Exhibited two paintings at the Autumn exhibition of the Glasgow Society of Women Artists at the Lillie Gallery, Bearsden, Glasgow. Both of these abstract Acrylic paintings Sold. ‘Tracks and Trails from Long Ago’ and ‘Frosted Dawn’
November and December 2019 I taught painting to the ABC Arts and Crafts Group in the Southside of Glasgow.
About this time I began to move away from watercolour and into acrylic abstracts which is leading to very different styles and use of mixed media. To develop this I have taken a number of courses with Lewis Noble,
September 2019. I exhibited 5 Paintings at the Paisley Art Institute (PAI) 123rd Annual Exhibition. This is the first year I have exhibited since becoming an elected member of this Society in 2018. Two of my small abstract acrylic paintings exhibited, (left image) were sold together with a large watercolour entitled ‘Shadows Across the Table’, (right image)
February 2019: I had an article in The Artist Magazine, March 2019 Isuue entitled ‘Compositions with colour and imagination’, A MASTERCLASS in which Aileen Wrennall told Caroline Saunders about her approach to her colourful watercolours and mixed media still lifes.

October 2019: Elected as a an artist member of Pasley Art Institute (PAI). This instiute has been in existence for 123 years and many famous artists have been and are members of it.
October 2018: Paintings exhibited in the Autumn Exhibition of the Glasgow Society of Women Artsists, Lillie Gallery, Milngavie, Glasgow.
July 2018: Paintings exhibited at the Edinburgh Central Library during the Edinburgh Festival.
July 2018: Solo exhibition of 24 paintings at the Moray Arts Centre, Findhorn, Moray Scotland. Paintings exhibited along with prints and cards.
May 2018: Painting exhibited with the Paisley Art Institute Annual Exhibition.
May 2018: Paintings exhibited with the Glasgow Society of Women Artists Spring Exhibition, Rozelle Gallery, Ayr, Scotland.